Domain: Transferred into your name or to your domain registrar for full ownership.
Functionality: 100% Complete with all features, graphics, content and offers.. ready for you to launch!
Build A List: Membership sites are like building a list. You will have a list of members to send promo emails to. Set the Autoresponder to send a series of emails automatically.
Affiliates: All members are instant affiliates with their unique referral link, x3 banners in all the standard sizes plus pre-written text ads, splash pages plus more!
Profitable: Very profitable and great converting One Time Offers, Down-sells, Login Offers and Level Upgrades. There are 9 offer pages in total in the Downline Builder.
Admin Advertising: Add your own favorite affiliate links all throughout the site, 468×60 banners, 125×125 banners, login ads, logout ads plus more spots.
Hosting: This site is currently on its own hosting account which you can simply take ownership of yourself if you have one of our Hosting Accounts. Or, this site can be transferred to your current hosting service provider. Our hosting is recommended to ensure your site runs smoothly.
Ownership: You will be emailed the Admin login details after payment. The domain name can be transferred to your own registrar and the site can be transferred to your hosting account. Unless you keep domain and hosting with me at
Support: Get access to Membership Site Success, a membership training area for admins only. You can also email Phil directly for support.
Ready to get started? Order this site now to get Admin access.
Want a successful online business?
Would you love to start your own Traffic Downline Builder Script Membership Site.. but not knowing where to start holds you back?
If so, then I know exactly where you’re coming from.
There’s nothing more frustrating than buying some old script full of bugs, trying to install it yourself, having to find a coder, then getting someone else to do graphics and finally someone who can edit html content. And to make matters even worse you need other companies for domain names and hosting accounts.
You end up feeling frustrated because you’re trying to figure out everything on your own and nothing you do seems to get you to that next level.
Until now the only way to create an Downline Builder Membership Site would be to hire a very talented PHP coder, graphic designer, an html editor and probably an internet marketer to create a successful system.
However the big problem with all of these options is that they are ridiculously expensive. For a start, a coder could take months to code and create the types of features needed.
However, today I’m delighted to share with you my brand new Downline Builder Script that is capable of building you a list, increasing your authority and making you a passive income online from the comfort of you home! I know that may sound unbelievable, but in a moment you’ll see how it all works, so just keep reading.
My name is Phil and since 2008, I have helped hundreds of internet marketers and entrepreneurs just like you break free from the grind of creating a profitable online business, and finally achieving success.
The original by Frank Salinas has now been bought by Phil @ This new version of the script available has had over 8 years of updates since 2014, bug fixes and newer mods similar to what is on my demo site
Whether you’re trying to build a list, make money online or business a lasting business, then this Downline Builder Script is the missing piece of the puzzle you need to finally make your dreams a reality.
If you’re sick and tired of promoting other peoples products, or trying business models that always end up failing, then you’re going to love owning a Membership Site.
How do I make money?
Membership Level Upgrades
Members signup free to use the tools on the membership site e.g. posting free ads to get traffic, referrals, cloak links or build their downlines. They are then taken through the special built in sales funnel that these scripts have. Free members have the chance to upgrade their accounts to a higher level that comes with premium advertising that is shown through-out the site. You receive the payments for these ads and upgrades.
Selling Advertising
The membership sites are setup to sell advertising to members. Members can purchase all types of ads individually, or when purchasing from an offer page you can sell full ad package bundles, including account upgrades. There are 9 different offer pages that are setup and that you can change to suit your site.
Affiliate Programs
Add your favorite affiliate program banners and text links inside of you membership site. There are several top spots for admin only to advertise. You can use your membership site as a one stop shop for ALL of the other products and programs you promote. Send them to your membership site and introduce them to all your other offers. Also, all your members are instant affiliates and will be promoting your site for you as well!
Email Members
You can easily email all of your members at any time with your latest offers, new packages, news about your site etc. Or setup the autoresponder to automatically send your members emails on auto-pilot!
Why membership sites?
Membership sites are one of the best business models online! Membership sites are sticky, meaning that your visitors and members will return often and use your site. They will be actively logging into, sometimes multiple times a day to use your tools, learn more, build their down lines, earn commissions plus a whole range of other great reasons why they will return.
Email your membership database – All members will be on your database list so you can email them with news and updates regarding you site, new offers, free promo codes, new sites features.. You get the idea. The possibilities are endless, and all these are legit reasons to email your members. They will love to hear from you when they know they might be getting a free promo code from you, or some latest news, or product you are promoting.
It’s a great way to promote your favorite programs in one place – If you are like me and have a million things on the go, tons of things to promote and not enough time, then having a membership site is a great place to promote everything in one place. There are spots all over the site where banners can be added. On the front page, login page, as a member logs in, the members area, under the navigation in members area, the site footer, logout pages plus a whole lot more spots!
What are some main features?
- Membership Levels – (x6) Free + Gold, Platinum, Elite, JV Partner & Founding Member – or rename levels
- Profitable Offer Pages – (x9) OTO’s, Down-sells, Upsells & Login Offers giving you a complete sales funnel
- Admin Area – Change prices, commissions, email members.. control everything
- Members Area – Double op-tin membership system with sales funnel and complete members only area
- Affiliate Program – Add Banners, Solo Emails, Links & more. All members are instant affiliates
- Allow Member Autoresponder – Members can use their autoresponder code on front page to capture leads
- HTML Editor Mod – Admin can easily edit and preview all page content
- Edit Pages Update – Admin can easily edit more parts of the site like Google Analytics Code, Social Buttons Code, Footer Banner
What about other scripts?
There are old versions online being sold by people that shouldn’t be selling it, and are selling it cheap. When you purchase my Downline Builder Script you can be assured this is the best version out there with a ton of cooler mods added like an HTML editor for admin, x6 Membership Levels, x9 Offer Pages, Autoresponder Tool plus more.
NEW! New version now includes the HTTPS Mod, GDPR Mod, reCaptcha Mod plus other great features and benefits with this brand new membership site script version that make this script the best out there!
What is a ‘Script’?
A ‘Script’ is the code, files and database that makes your membership site work. It includes an Admin Control Panel, Members Area and all the necessary files and coding to automate features of the sites. These scripts are created using PHP. Under the ‘Edit Pages’ section, Admin can add html that updates certain parts of your site e.g. offer pages, members area, front page, login ads etc.. There a tons of areas to edit, making these scripts very easy to customize!

Ready to get started?
With so many amazing features, incredible results, and glowing reviews, you’re probably eager to know how much it’ll cost to get your own Downline Builder Membership Site.
And that’s understandable given that most people (on average) spend thousands to get a fraction of what you’re receiving today.
However, because I’ve already been through the expensive development process to create the Downline Builder Script, all the hard costly work has been done for you…
And so if you act now by clicking the Buy Now button, you can have your own Downline Builder Membership Site..
So here’s your chance for success. Just click the “Buy Now” button below.
Look, you can’t afford to keep going the way you have been for another year.
Owning a Membership Site will open up a whole new world of fun and adventure for you.
Imagine what it will feel like to finally be recognized online, finally build a list, and finally build a lasting business online.
So grab an Downline Builder Site now or a custom designed site and let’s get you started today.
Phil @